Monday, December 21, 2009

Temple Square Lights

Gardner Village

Mom and I went up to Salt Lake just us girls! We hit up Gardner Village which is a small village of boutique's, shops, crafts and food. It was such a blast! Spending time with Mom is my favorite thing to do! We have WAY too much fun. Here are some pictures!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

E. Mauzy

Cool, Calm and Collected.....Ok...Maybe Not So Much.....Haha Love you Trev!

Cat Lady....Possibly

So Rascal LOVES mom! It is so funny and oh boy does Snickers get jealous! On Halloween Rascal fell asleep on my moms head!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ZoNe LeAdEr

Elder Mauzy has been transferred to Tayuman and he is now a Zone Leader! Tayuman was his 2nd area and he is glad to be back. He is actually in the exact same apartment. I think he is most excited about having hot water for showers again:) He is doing great and loves his new companion. Only a little over 6 months until he comes hOmE!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Typhoon Parma Philippines

Elder Mauzy is doing well and is enjoying the opportunity to serve the Filipino people at this time of crisis. The Philippines was hit with typhoon Ketsana. Almost 80% of Manilla (the capital) was submerged. The Philippines has just recently been struck by typhoon Parma. Many Filipinos have evacuated and have sought safety in shelters. We won't hear from Elder Mauzy until tomorrow but, if you read this please keep all the missionaries around the world in your prayers.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Halloween House

We got really into Halloween this year and the house looks awesome! Here are all of the witches and skeletons that have invaded our home:)

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Photos of Elder Mauzy

We had the wonderful surprise of getting Trevor's memory stick. Here are a few pictures of him serving in the Philippines.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HaPpY BiRtHdAy DaD!!

Dad's birthday was yesterday!! We went to Outback for his birthday dinner and then opened presents and ate coconut cream pie!! So Yummy!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy DaD!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

District Leader and 'Father'

Elder Mauzy as usual is doing great! He is still a district leader and in his words is now a 'father' of a greenie right out of the mission home. Everyone has difficult companions and it seems Trevor has had his share. Luckily his new companion is working out great. They are learning from each other and it is amazing to see the growth in Trevor. From a shy kid before his mission to the confident and charismatic Trevor!! It is a wonderful transformation to see. The Lord works in wonderful ways and I can see how his service has blessed his life as well as ours. We are starting to count down the months until he comes home :)

European Cruise Here WE Come!!

European Cruise here we come.............

Fall 2009..................

More details coming soon!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Today was a well deserved day for DaD!! We had home-made banana bread for Breakfast, a yummy, great dinner of tradition! Then, we opened presents. My dad made a haul which is so well deserved. :) Fantastic day for a WoNdErFuL Father!!

LoVe YoU DaD!!

- - Cheesecake Factory - -

This weekend we went to the incredible Cheesecake Factory! It was a great way to celebrate Adam finishing up Spring semester and Father's Day!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mom's Birthday

Mom's Birthday just passed and we all had a wonderful time! We ate dinner at mom's favorite restaurant P.F. Changs, opened presents and spent time with the family. Adam and I got my mom and IPod Nano...look at mom getting all hip. She is so excited to upload all of her tunes and rock out around the house!

District Leader!! Say What??

Elder Mauzy is now a district leader and he is doing a fantastic job! We couldn't be more proud of him. On Mother's day we got to talk to him and it was by far the best Mother's Day gift mom could've asked for!!!! It made us all miss him so much but, he really is doing fantastic!

He did tell us that he was getting boils all over his back....EWWW!! Luckily they were taken care of :) It cracks me up how Trev won't tell us certain stories because he knows mom & dad will freak out!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beautiful St. George

We had a wonderful weekend down in St. George with Adam and Maranda. It was wonderful weather and absolutely relaxing. Our little weekend vacation was full of shopping, sleeping in, relaxing and having a great time!The St. George temple is absolutely beautiful!
We ate lunch at the famous "Texas Road House". Wow it was so good!It was a little sad driving back into Provo with snow:( We might be going back down to warm St. George sooner than we planned!:)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Trevor!!

Tomorrow is Trevor's 20th Birthday!! We sent him a package of goodies and we are crossing our fingers that he gets it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVOR!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

ElDeR mAuZy!!

It was another wonderful Monday mainly because we heard from ElDeR mAuZy!! Great news from Trevor!! He is a senior companion in his new, third area. He is training a greenie from Florida. He was nervous at first but you can see through his emails that his confidence is growing everyday.

He is enjoying his new area but he is thinking a lot about his last area and the investigators there. Trevor has always been so sincere and understanding; so I know his greenie is really going to learn and appreciate him.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hurting Here and There...

It seems the Mauzy clan has been hit with many physical ailments this past little while and we are hurting everywhere.

Mom went to the dentist and had some work done. I personally dislike this dentist because he doesn't knock you out. He ripped my moms tooth out and she was awake for the whole thing, only numbed by some shots. Poor mom has only been able to eat ice cream and jello; which might sound good at first but, it gets old pretty fast.

Dad had to go the hospital for an MRI because he has been getting horrible headaches. We are pretty sure they are migraines. Poor dad hasn't been sleeping very well due to these headaches from you know where.

We are hurting here and there and everywhere!

Monday, February 23, 2009

So Adorable!

How can you not love this adorable little dog?!?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Eye Infections, Investigators and Snakes...Oh My!

Elder Mauzy is working hard as always and is growing into the culture and language more and more. The last email we received from him he informed us he got an eye infection...kind of scary. He was allowed to wear his sunglasses everywhere to help protect his eyes.

The work is going forth in the Philippines and it is wonderful receiving his e-mails and feeling that we can experience a small part of it. There are many investigators and some Elder Mauzy states "are truly Golden investigators". One problem in the Philippines is that many will get baptized it is just difficult to keep them active. Elder Mauzy is staying positive though and working hard to do what the Lord wants him to do.

His exciting adventure of the week was that he got to hold a snake. Now I am guessing this is not a gardner snake....Being that he is in the jungle I am assuming this snake is huge. Hopefully he will send us some pictures and I will post them on here.

We miss him but, we are so PrOuD of him!. This May will be his One Year Mark!. Man how time flies.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Busy!!

So much has happened lately and it is hard to figure out exactly what I should write about. We have heard from Elder Mauzy and he is doing GREAT! He has a new companion which he is getting a long with a lot better than his previous one. He is working hard and becoming more and more fluent in the language. His confidence is growing and it is wonderful to read his letters!

Mom and Dad are working hard and we are all SO THANKFUL we have jobs during this economic struggle. Adam is working two jobs and taking 17 credits at BYU in his major for microbiology. Maranda is taking a small break from school and working full time for a company called Think Box Design Marketing. Dad is working hard at Novell and we are all constantly grateful he has kept his job there. Mom is crafting away at Roberts and working hard as always.

We are staying busy which is tiring but such a wonderful blessing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Package is HERE!

This week we were all anxiously awaiting the arrival of a package from Elder Mauzy. There is a sweet family in our ward (The Doria's) who are from the Philippines. Sister Doria was visiting and she said she would pick up the package from the mission home and deliver it to us. We couldn't wait!! While she was in the Philippines she ran into Trevor at the temple. It amazes me how the Lord works and knows exactly what people need.

So when we knew she had return to the States we got overly excited .The doorbell or the phone rang and we were all in a frenzy:). Tuesday night came and doorbell rang...FINALLY:) his package had come!!.

He sent us some Philippino candy which included: cracker nuts (so yummy) and polverone; vanilla and chocolate flavored (by far my favorite!). A funny t-shirt and our FAVORITE gift was his memory stick from his camera. We bought him two so when one was full he could send it home, we'd save his pictures (while he filled up the other one) etc...

I am working on posting photos and videos of Trevor in the Philippines. This made our week! It was great to see how hard he is working and to see him smile.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Elder Update!!

Elder Mauzy is doing SO good in the Philippines. He finally got his package from Aunt Carol and Uncle Derek and he is loving it! Him and all of his roomies;) are enjoying the beef jerky and starbursts. I guess they don't have those over there. He is working hard and reaching a lot of people in need.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

*Viva Las Vegas*

This past weekend we all went to Las Vegas to celebrate Maranda turning 21. It was fairly warm weather (better than Utah for sure!). We went to the wax museum at the Venetian hotel and walked the strip. It was so much fun!!Mom and Dad with Arnold Scwharzenager.
Dad with Muhammed Ali!

For Maranda's birthday dinner we went to the Rainforest Cafe. There is the HUGE dessert called "The Volcano". All four of us couldn't finish it!

It was a wonderful weekend!!

My Amazing Mom!!

Most people who know my mom know how amazingly talented she is. She works at Robert's craft and for Christmas time her and her co-worker were in charge of creating and decorating the trees. Here are some pictures of her work!